Westminster Primary School


Westminster Primary School is going through an exciting transformation. From June 2021 to January 2024 the project will include a major refurbishment of the existing classrooms along Ungaroo Road and new buildings including teaching blocks, staff room, dental centre, administration, parking, landscaping and sports courts.

The new facilities will provide our students with an ideal learning environment, offering them outstanding educational opportunities. The redevelopment will benefit current and future generations of Westminster children.


New Design

The school has a new design to best meet the needs of our students, teachers and community.

Our buildings will open onto lawned areas and nature playground with interconnecting paths providing the children with safe and inclusive space to play and learn.

Our younger students will have a dedicated early childhood learning area – the perfect environment to start their education.


Stage 1 (June 2021-Completion January 2022)

  • Staff room
  • Conference room
  • Dental therapy centre
  • Teaching block: three classrooms and an inclusive education classroom
  • Refurbishment of old junior primary block

Stage 2 (December 2021-January 2024)

  • Demolition of existing primary school building
  • Teaching block: three classrooms and an inclusive education classroom
  • Administration building
  • Refurbishment of Bristol building
  • Landscaping and sporting facilities
  • Parking and ‘Kiss & Drive’

Teaching & Learning

Plans are in place to maintain a safe learning environment and minimise disruption to teaching and learning.

  • Fences are in place to separate the children from the construction site.
  • The main entry points for contractors will be through worksite entry on Marloo Road
  • Temporary buildings will be provided as additional classrooms.
  • Demolition of the old buildings will take place during school holidays by licenced professionals.