Westminster Primary School

School Board

Westminster Primary School

The School Board is a legally formed body that, in partnership with the Principal, shapes and monitors the school’s key objectives, priorities and general policy documents. The Board enables parents and members of the community to engage in activities that are in the best interests of students and that will enhance the education provided by the school.

The functions of every School Board in an Independent Public School are to:

1.  Establish and review the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions.

  • financial planning to support the above.
  • evaluating the school’s performance in achieving these.
  • formulating codes of conduct for students.
  • selecting the next Principal.

2. Promote the school in the community.

3. Determine, in consultation, a dress code for students.

4. Approve or endorse:

  • the schools Delivery and Performance Agreement (DPA).
  • the triannual Business Plan.
  • the annual School Report.
  • the annual School Budget.
  • the charges, contributions and fees schedule.
  • the extra cost optional components for the school’s educational program.
  • the items for personal use in the educational program.
  • any advertising and sponsorship arrangements.

5. Composition of the Board

Westminster Primary School Board consists of the following members:

  • Principal.
  • School representatives nominated by and voted for by school staff.
  • Parents or carers nominated by themselves or other parents or carers. Parents and community members form a majority on the School Board.
  • General community members invited by the Board to become Board members.

How the School Board communicates with the whole school community.

It is the role of the elected School Board community representatives to report on any issue of importance. Minutes of School Board meetings are available to all interested parties and major outcomes or points of discussion are shared through the school newsletter.

The school community can also become involved by:

  • Attending P & C Meetings
  • Nominating for election to the School Board or P & C each year.

Any decisions made and approved for policy documents may be viewed by parents. These are kept in the office and parents are welcome to view them at any time.