Westminster Primary School

0 - 3 Years

Westminster Primary School


KindiLink is a play and learn for Aboriginal families and their 0-3 year old children. It runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-12am. Sessions will be planned and delivered by an Early Childhood teacher and Aboriginal and Islander education officer. The aim is to boost children's learning in the years before they start Kindergarten and to forge strong and supportive links between home and school.

Child & Parent Centre

To ensure your children gets the best possible start to life the Westminster Child and Parent Centre, is located at our school. It gives families easy access to advice, programs and services. The centre assists children to be ready to start school, and to become happy, confident learner.

The Child and Parent Centre provides services for families with young children (birth to eight years) giving them access to early learning, maternal, health, developmental and parenting support services and programs for their young children. Services and support include: speech therapy support, Community Health Nurse, antenatal classes, early learning programs, playgroups, parents and family support. More information about the Child and Parent Centre Westminster can be found on the Department of Education website at www.education.wa.edu.au.

Child and Parent Centre Westminster Contact Phone Number: 9440 1097


In partnership with The Smith Family.